The University awards both- Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees to students. The duration of studies of Medicine Program (MD General Medicine) is of 6 years including one year of clinical internship. Licensed by Ministry of Education and Culture and Sports, Progress University awards State Degree which enable the graduates to practice and persuade higher qualification in Armenia. The duration of studies is 4-5 years for Bachelor and 2 years for Master programs. Scientific council and Student Council are administrative bodies of the University. The university offers Translation and Computer literacy training courses. Upon completion, the graduates are awarded certificates. Legal clinic is part of the University, the activities of which are supported by USAID and coordinated by American Bar Association
Rector of Progress University
(Doctor of Philosophy, Professor)

More Detail

Founded in 1990 Gyumri Progress University is one of the first private universities in the Shirak region in the Republic of Armenia.
The university is licensed and accredited by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. license № 005, 26.08.2014, state accreditation № 006, and № 200 13.04.2007 , № 104-108 and № 192-200.
The university has 9 specialties accredited in Bachelor’s degree, 4 specialties in Masters degree and 4 specialties in Medical College.All the graduates receive state diploma.
PROGRESS UNIVERSITY is a higher educational institution, bearing status of an authorized teaching university. It carries higher academic education in accordance with the legislation and issues a document certifying the qualification recognized by the state .
PROGRESS UNIVERSITY was founded in 1990. Currently, the PROGRESS is a modern university with a comprehensive infrastructure, and experienced faculty members that are nationally (and some of them worldwide) recognized specialists in different areas of medicine, professional health organizations and agencies.
THIRTY TWO years ago first 8 students were enrolled, whereas at present about 1200 students study in the University. Most of our students are citizens of foreign countries: India, USA, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine, Jordan, Egypt and AFRICA. This is why the language of instruction is English.
Our success should be completely attributed to our excellent team. Owing to 32 years of tireless efforts and embodying various innovative ideas, PROGRESS UNIVERSITY managed to hold its niche among Armenian higher educational institutions. It’s important to us that both the student and the academic staff have a sense of complete freedom in learning and teaching process. Our priority is to make sure the university employees are focused on a common goal and equally share the role of the university as a higher educational institution.
PROGRESS UNIVERSITY has affiliation agreements with 15 of the world’s most prestigious hospitals and research institutes, vital partners that provide clinical care and training. They also serve as home base for more than 130 physicians and scientists with faculty appointments.
Year Established: 1990. License: N002, 24.08.2000; N 0011, 12.11.2012 N 161-164, 27.11.2002; K-XX-000033, 15.05.2005. State Accreditation: N 006, 03.09.2001; N 104-108, 06.08.2004; N 192-200, 13.04.2007. Founder: R.Z. Khachatryan
E-mail: Info@progressuniversity.am
Rector: R.Z. Khachatryan, PhD, Professor
Faculty: 2 Academicians, 5 Doctors and Professors, and 30 Candidates of Sciences
Modes of Study: stationary and distant
Number of enrolled students: 846
The University awards both- Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees to students.
The duration of studies is 4-5-6 years for Bachelor and 2 years for Master programs.
Scientific council and Student Council are administrative bodies of the University.
The university offers Translation and Computer literacy training courses. Upon completion, the graduates are awarded certificates.
Legal clinic is part of the University, the activities of which are supported by USAID and coordinated by American Bar Association.
The university has representations in the following cities and towns: Yerevan, Artik, Spitak, Akhalqalak, Ninotsminda and Armavir.
Since 2009 the informational center of Yerevan State University has been operating at “Progress” University of Gyumri.

Welcome to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Progress University "Gyumri".
We welcome your initiative to continue your studies in medical field and we are happy that you've selected the Progress University "Gyumri". as educational institution which has a rich background and a history of decades, rich experience in preparation of vocational professionals. Our College is recognized as a leading educational institution in Country.

Programs and courses
The Academy gives you the opportunity to make a choice according to your preferences between the following 9 specialties:
Undergraduate Programs:
Foreign Language and Literature,
Armenian Language and Literature,
Pedagogy and Teaching Methods,
Programs Offered in distant – learning mode of studies:
Foreign Language and Literature,
Armenian Language and Literature,
Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
Curricula And Syllabuses
All professions are on high demand in the labor market. The education in our University is on high level due to the state educational standards, curricula and syllabuses which meet the international standards. The college has a cabinet equipped with modern equipment and educational supplies, laboratories, computer equipment, Internet access and a rich library. The practical works are taking in the best clinics of the capital. 130 highly qualified instructors will help you to become mid-level health professionals in today's competitive environment. The college also offers courses in English language , which general purpose is to establish a common International environment for students from over the world. We welcome once again your coming to the Progress University "Gyumri" Foundation.

Under Graduate Program
Post Graduate Program
Medicine Program
Ph.D Program

Upcoming Events
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